Welcome back, me

That's interesting. I have just found out that this blog has been made private. The option 'Private - Only blog author' has been selected for I don't know how long.

Good ol' blogging back in play

What's happening? Did I accidentally do it? Or did the blog AI decide to go private? I strongly believe the latter. 

I am kidding. I guess I decided to close the blog at some point in the past and this was my way of doing so.

However, a few minutes ago (while taking a shower) I have decided to give it a second chance. Why?

I have a number of topics I would like to share with the world. I have a similar semi-personal blog in my native language with quite a few posts over many years. And it was my first choice but then I realized that the prospective English-speaking audience might be wider so I chose to write here.

So I went to check how this blog was doing. To my surprise, I ran into some weird unexpectedly insignificant statistics; but the last straw was no "Earnings" on my blog's menu. Where have that gone?

A quick search gave me the answer: the most common cause would be that my blog was not public. Indeed, it was made private by "past" me, although I don't exactly remember doing so. (And that's one topic for sharing.)

Anyway, my blog and I are back in business and I am going to unload tons (OK, not tons, but grams) of information amassed in my mind. This will be totally different from what has been published here until now but I hope I'll find my reader.

(The image source is https://www.pexels.com/photo/blank-composition-desk-display-317355/)


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